How To Write What I''m Looking For In A Man On Dating Site

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  1. How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site For Men
  2. How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Without
  3. How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Men

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  • (Unfortunately for me, writing about Tinder and online dating advice has a tendency to backfire every now and then.) #2: Tinder profile text: Student example. I’m going to show you another common mistake that costs men dates. One you could be making too, and what you can do about it so you score way more matches.
  • “I’m looking for someone who does not talk during movies.” “I’m looking for someone who super-loves dogs, since I have 4 of them and they’re basically the center of my world.” “I’m looking for someone who loves to plan vacations.” “I hate talking on the phone, so I’d rather not do too much of it.”.

Struggling with what to write in your dating profile? You’re not alone.

Most guys find it difficult or frustrating to write about themselves in a way that attracts women, which is why so many women end up ignoring messages from guys who have profiles like this:

Here’s a dating profile tip right out of the gate: Look like you put some effort into it.

For a dating site, I recommend posting 5-7 photos. If you post too many photos, an “overload” reaction can occur. Where someone feels they’ve seen your whole life story. A dating profile is intended to pique the curiosity of someone viewing it. So a glimpse into your life becomes intriguing.

If you can’t even be bothered to impress her on a dating site, why would she think you’ll be impressive in person?

You don’t want to be that guy, so you’re looking for good online dating profiles to copy.

When she reads a witty dating profile like this, the odds are much higher she’ll reply to your icebreaker:

Nailing your dating profile is a worthy pursuit.

Studies show guys tend to pursue women who are out of their league – as in 26% more attractive than they are themselves. And the more attractive the woman, the fiercer the competition.

You definitely can’t step into the octagon with a B-team profile if you want to score dates with the most popular women.

No pressure, right?

Don’t worry – you’ve got everything you need to write the perfect online dating profile right here in this article.

When you read until the very end, you’ll get:
  1. A fool-proof profile formula that works like magic on any dating site or app
  2. Examples of what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t accidentally turn off women
  3. Two fill-in-the-blank online dating profiles you can use today to get more attractive women responding immediately, plus 9 more great online dating profile examples you can copy!

You’re about to get the online dating profile help you need, so let’s…

Start With The Basics

As with anything in life, when you build from a solid foundation, you get lasting results. Your profile is no different!

VIDA’s team of dating experts has been writing dating profiles (and handling everything else, too) for guys just like you since 2009, and we use all kinds of metrics to track the success of our profiles.

Our data shows the most successful online dating profiles are 70% about you, 30% about her.

Researchers recently confirmed what we’ve known for a long time – this formula really works. The combination of describing both who you are and who you’re looking for gets the highest response rate.

Let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of a perfect online dating profile.

This example shows the 70:30 rule in action, and it has a solid framework you can follow to get awesome results:

The profile text in the above example is written for a site like, where longer profiles are the norm.

For online dating sites, a good rule of thumb is keep the length of your profile down to about 300 words or less. She doesn’t have time to read a novel, and you want to leave her wanting more.

You’re just four short paragraphs away from a polished, attention-grabbing profile!

This easy formula for writing a dating profile really works:
  1. Catch her eye
  2. Describe your occupation
  3. Paint a picture of your everyday life
  4. Describe what you’re looking for

Let’s see what each of those paragraphs looks like in practice…

1st Paragraph: Catch Her Eye

The “intro” of your dating profile has two crucial goals:

  1. Attract her attention.
  2. Make her want to keep reading.

If you fail to do either of those two things, she’s instantly moving on to the next guy.

But if she likes what she’s seeing, she’ll keep reading – and more importantly, she’ll be way more likely to respond to your message.

Let’s take a closer look at Paragraph 1 from the perfect online dating profile example above:

Open with an exciting travel story or a humorous anecdote that hints at your personality.

In this example, the first line of this profile immediately gives her something pleasurable to visualize, so within the first couple words she’s already imagining her tropical vacation with you, filled with warm blue water and cute sea turtles.

And the entire first paragraph is packed full of attraction triggers.

By the time she’s done reading it, she’s learned that you are adventurous, in good enough physical condition to windsurf, love to travel, and financially able to swing a fabulous getaway. All without having to write “I love to travel” or “I’m adventurous, physically fit, and financially stable.”

Which brings us to the next Golden Rule of Profile Writing…

Show, don’t tell.

You want to highlight your most attractive traits, but in a way that keeps her attention and sets you apart from the competition.

She doesn’t want to read a boring list of adjectives, like what this guy wrote:

Total snooze fest.

It’s easy to say you’re adventurous, loyal, and fun loving. You need to give her a reason to believe you're adventurous, loyal, and fun loving.

Tell her a story that illustrates those qualities, and she’s more likely to be convinced you actually possess them.

Remember, trust builds attraction, which increases the odds of her agreeing to meet you in person.

2nd Paragraph: Describe Your Occupation

Let’s face it – she wants to know what you do for a living, especially if you’re looking for a more serious relationship.

If you’re a pilot, entrepreneur, or firefighter – congrats, according to Tinder you’ve got one of the top 3 most right-swiped (read: sexiest) jobs.

But for most of us, it takes a little creativity to make the hours we spend between 9 and 5 sound intriguing.

Just saying “I work in [fill in the blank]” is boring and vague.

And you definitely don’t want to mention anything negative about your job, like too much stress, long hours or the fact that you hate it:

Instead, choose an aspect of your work that you’re truly happy about. Then play it up:

As in the example above, adding the part about seeing vacant lots turn into shiny new homes gives her something she can emotionally connect with.

If you just write “I’m a general contractor” and leave it at that, you’re missing an opportunity to forge that connection.

Remember, the more positive feelings you can inspire, the higher the likelihood of her saying “yes” to a date.

How to write what i

3rd Paragraph: Paint A Picture Of Your Daily Life

Give her a glimpse of what being with you would be like.

You’re active, fun, social. In short, you’ve got a fulfilling happy life and you happen to be looking for someone to join you in a few adventures.

Mention your hobbies, things you like to do with friends, etc, always keeping in mind that she’s going to be imagining what it’s like to spend time with you.


Your profile should always be positive. This is no place to unpack your baggage from previous relationships or drop hints about how lonely you are:

4th Paragraph: Tell Her What You’re Looking For

You’ve introduced yourself in the first three paragraphs. Now it’s time to describe your ideal match.

Be honest about what you’re looking for, and feel free to set the bar high. Having high expectations exudes confidence, and confidence is an attractive trait.

On the other hand, only talking about what you’re looking for in your bio, or being so vague and all-inclusive that you’re basically saying “I’ll date anyone” has the opposite effect:

Make sure to include a “call to action” at the end of this paragraph.

That’s a fancy marketing term for telling your audience (in this case, the attractive women you’re looking to date) what you want them to do now.

In the example above, it’s “Message me and let’s talk”.

You could also challenge her to meet your standards with a question like “Think you’ve got what it takes? Send me a message and I’ll take it from there.”

Here’s another good online dating profile example to copy, just personalize it with your own details!:

Key Takeaways:


  • Keep it <300 words
  • Make it 70% about you, 30% about her
  • Follow this simple 4-paragraph framework:
  1. Attention-grabbing intro
  2. Describe your occupation
  3. Share your daily activities
  4. Describe your ideal partner
  • Illustrate all your most attractive traits by showing, not telling.


  • Make it all about you, or all about her.
  • Be boring. Avoid lists of adjectives and cliche phrases.
  • Forget to proofread. It might seem like a little thing, but first impressions are everything. Need more motivation to care about grammar? Almost 60% of singles can't get past bad grammar – they found it worse than bad sex.
  • Be negative – your profile isn’t the place to air your relationship woes or talk about how you’re about to “give up on this site.”

Need A Profile Headline?

No problem. Some dating sites that use longer profiles often display a short profile headline in her search results and match queue, right next to one (or more) of your profile pictures.

For instance, on Plenty Of Fish your headline occupies center stage.

Providing one is mandatory, and if you don't treat it as an opportunity to intrigue her, she may not think the rest of your profile is worth a skim.

Unless you want her to drift on to some other guy's profile, your headline needs to be compelling.

Use it as a chance to showcase your sense of humor, or hint at one of the reasons you'd make great Boyfriend Material.

These 3 dating headline examples make her want to keep reading:

Want more dating profile headlines you can use right now?

Check out these dating headlines for men examples, along with some do's and don'ts so you can write a custom one that really works!

Short (And Super Short) Profile Examples

Everything you just read can be applied to your Tinder or Bumble profile as well. Only now you’re dealing with 300-500 characters instead of words.

In some cases, you’ll need a super short profile. For instance The League you have only 140 characters.

When space is at a premium, every single word needs to pack a punch.

But the concept is the same.

A good short online dating profile grabs her attention and highlights a few of your most attractive traits (i.e. your occupation and hobbies). Then, if there’s space, end with a call to action.

Want more inspiration? Go here for even more short dating profile examples you can copy to use on any app!


Can’t Fail, Fill-In-The-Blank Profile

As promised, here are two instant profiles you can use right now, one for a site like and one perfect for a dating app like Tinder.

Just fill in the missing info and boom! It’s ready to adapt and upload to just about any dating site.

But one quick caveat…

While you’d be hard-pressed to find better profile templates than these online, keep in mind they are still fill-in-the-blank profile templates.

This means two things:
  • First, if you use one of them, your profile could look strikingly similar to others in your local area. That could obviously work against you.
  • Second, a cookie-cutter profile is, by definition, going to be a bit generic.

The best profile in the world is so unique that it would be impossible for any other guys to use it.

With that said, if you’re not planning to have us write a magnetically-attractive profile for you that makes you stand out like a sore thumb from all the other local guys, these templates are most likely a big step up from what you have now.

Completed, it will look something like this:

This dating profile template for men works on just about any dating app:

Here’s what it might look like out in the wild:

So there you have it – examples of what to do, what not to do, and two plug-n-play profiles you can use right now.

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site For Men

You’ve got all the pieces you need to write an online dating profile that gets results – more dates with the attractive women you want to meet.

But what if you could just skip right to the “date” part?

No profile writing, no back and forth messaging. Just showing up to meet higher quality women than ever before?

It’s actually that easy! You just need VIDA in your corner.

Click here to find out how you can have dates with the women you want to meet set up for you!

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I thought I’d share these letters that a paid for dating site sends me. I really do love them all, they press good buttons and if there was an iota of truth in any of them they would probably have me falling head over heals for them. Maybe useful as templates or draft replies.

Hi, dear Yarmi!
I am a very sensitive person, and I hope that your intention is not to play games with me! I am a very romantic person! I like to walk in the moonlight, and dream of happiness! Morning walk on the beach of the river, when the silence … people can hear the cry of seagulls in the distance and a beautiful melody of waves … Waves so attracted to her, looking at them, you will forget about all your worries … When you breathe in the air of purity and innocence …. I am looking for my life partner with whom I will live in happiness, love, understanding, respect … Going through life hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder! In joy and in sorrow! because, as Stendhal said: “Love – a delightful flower, but it takes courage to step up to the edge of the precipice and rip it.”
I would really like to know more about you! And I hope that you will want to get to know me . If so, then I’ll look forward to your letter.
Hello dear Yarmi!
I beg you read this letter attentively as I have put my soul and my heart in it. I decided to write it to you as I hope there is something invisible yet between us but it may appear as a strong attraction and anxious feelings in the future. I’m always brave enough to do a first step as it can possibly change life of two people who search for something special and important in life.
I’m young, energetic, elegant and tactful … Someone may say I’m perfect while looking at me or my pictures. But it’s more important for me to know that a person say more about my inner being, about my soul, individual characteristics. I need to feel someone shares with me and don’t throw words into the air.
Life is so beautiful … but also it’s not eternal. As every lady I dream to find my true love. How it would be great to bestow a smile to my beloved one in the morning and make him feel cheerful and energetic to the end of day … How it would be great to feel his strong body caring me upstairs to our little cute bedroom. .. And how it would be nice to hear sweet “I love you honey” before we fall asleep … I would like to know if you would like to have those moments in your life?
I tend to self-improvement and spiritual growth. I’m fond of dances and sport. An active move is what makes my body stronger and my mood inspired! I’m curious, smart, witty and tender. Would you accept those things? I’m fond of dancing and it has become a part of my life! Would you dance with me?
I really want to know your attitudes to foreign ladies and your thoughts about possible relationship.
Have a pleasant day and catch a smile from a nice lady Tatiana!

Dear Yarmi .
Yes, do that! Join me and lets discover if we are mates? If we are looking for same things on this site? Speaking of me, I’m looking for someone to share life with; lazy days, laughs, deep discussions, dreams, adventures, embraces, hand holding, heartfelt connection and more. Looking for an easygoing gent with a passion for life. If you are that guy?
To tell the true I like to get new knowledge’s and new information, so I want to start exploring and discovering on you! Also I’m a person who is tender, considerate, kind and clever. I love life and enjoy the happiness it gives to me and my friends said that I am a girl who is sensible to live but rational to act. When I am in the lowest point of my life, my friends helped me a lot. So I realized that life only has one chance and we should cherish our lives. I hope one day I can repay them. I hope my matrimony will be simple and happy and we will have the same life goal, and we are loyalty to each other. I enjoy the feeling of staying with my family.
I understand that I told many pleasant and positive things in my address, so you might wonder why such a lady on this web site? Is she really ready what she says? Is she really looking for a husband? I could answer you – Yes. I am ready to have all this and think age it is not important in relations. The most important is Love.
I am looking for my soul mate to share my life with him. I am romantic and considerate. I will devote myself to our love. I am sincerely willing to find my true love.
I hope to get letter from you.
Send you sweet kisses, Marina

Dear Yarmi .
Yes, do that! Join me and lets discover if we are mates? If we are looking for same things on this site? Speaking of me, I’m looking for someone to share life with; lazy days, laughs, deep discussions, dreams, adventures, embraces, hand holding, heartfelt connection and more. Looking for an easygoing gent with a passion for life. If you are that guy?
To tell the true I like to get new knowledge’s and new information, so I want to start exploring and discovering on you! Also I’m a person who is tender, considerate, kind and clever. I love life and enjoy the happiness it gives to me and my friends said that I am a girl who is sensible to live but rational to act. When I am in the lowest point of my life, my friends helped me a lot. So I realized that life only has one chance and we should cherish our lives. I hope one day I can repay them. I hope my matrimony will be simple and happy and we will have the same life goal, and we are loyalty to each other. I enjoy the feeling of staying with my family.
I understand that I told many pleasant and positive things in my address, so you might wonder why such a lady on this web site? Is she really ready what she says? Is she really looking for a husband? I could answer you – Yes. I am ready to have all this and think age it is not important in relations. The most important is Love.
I am looking for my soul mate to share my life with him. I am romantic and considerate. I will devote myself to our love. I am sincerely willing to find my true love.
I hope to get letter from you.
Send you sweet kisses, Marina

Hello Yarmi.
I am a feminine and adventurous woman looking for the man with whom I will be able to realize all my dreams and desires. I have so many different ideas, business plans, and hopes for the future family.
I have my own successful business. I want to find partner with whom I will be able to create strong and friendly family. Do you also want this? If yes, do not hesitate, but write me right now! As I told you I am ready to leave everything for my future family.
If you are looking for the same things here, please let me know!
I will wait impatiently for your letter!
Best regards.

Hi Yarmi!
As this is my first letter to you, I don’t really know what to write to you about, but to begin with, I am looking for somebody that is not afraid to show his feelings. Somebody that likes and want to develop a promising relationship and eventually hatch into marriage. I want a best friend, comforter, confidant, lover, and partner. Most of all I would like him to be faithful, and truthful. I don’t appreciate betrayal and lies.
I am a compassionate, and caring person, I am devoted to my partner when I am in a relationship. I have always tried to make my partner happy when ever I can. I believe in communication, as in I think it is important that if you want to have a true relationship with a person then you should be able to have good communication. I believe honesty is the foundation to a stable relationship. I would like to learn your language, which means that I would like to learn more about who you are and where you come from.
I am a family woman, which means that I want to have a family with a man who also has family values.
I have a lot of interest in dancing! That is a good way to keep my body in a good form! I also like drawing. I enjoy cooking, and from what I hear I am a very good cook, I would like to learn about what foods you like. Well for my first letter I tried to give you a little idea of who I am, if you are interested in getting to know me more please write me back, I would like to hear from you again.
Think of me as I do the same and I wait with impatience to hear from you. Kisses!

How To Write What I

Hi Yarmi
If you have a question why I am here and why I write you so I can answer you because I am lonely and because maybe you are my chance to change it.
I am loving and tender woman and I am alone , I want to find my soul mate with help of this agency and I hope it will help me with it .I see here is so many women and so many men , but I am sure somewhere is the only one man that will be my best and for whom I will be the best .
If you are interested in kind and sensitive woman with strong character and high family values so I can be this woman . I dream to build a family and to be caring and loving wife and mother.
Here in Odessa is so many interesting things to see and if one day you will come here to visit me I will show you all beautiful corners of my city and of my country .
I love to travel , I love to see new things and I want to do it with my future family .
I wish you all the best and hope to receive your answer

hello Yarmi! ))
how are you today ?
i see your profile and i am really interesting about you and i hope for to talk with you of course if you would like too ))
i am very simple girl and i like simple stuff .. i am serious and honest and romantic character but i am able for to share everything with my partner even crazy stuff if i am in real love )))
i am open for the life and i want enjoy my life with real man for serious relationship .. i believe in my search here and i am sure in once i will got my man ..
i would like for to know you more and i hope you will replay me back ..
All the best for you!!!

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Without

Dear Yarmi!
I love life. I am very optimistic and friendly girl and maybe that is why life for me is colored. I like to enjoy every day of the week, that makes my life interesting. I have a lot of passion in my soul and a lot of romance in my heart. I am a real woman who loves intrigue, but doesn’t play games. Love to travel, my dream is going to travel around the world, I dream to see the world, get to know the culture of other countries. I have many friends, I love to chat.
I think that if the relationship is really happy, strong, and it is based on true love, partners want to start a family then. I see no point in spending a lot of years of just having a good time together and being afraid of responsibility.
I want to have a family and in that case I’ll be sure that everything is going in the right direction.
That’s why I’m here! I am looking for someone who is serious about starting a family and a life filled with love, happiness and pleasure …
Sincerely, Irina.

How To Write What I'm Looking For In A Man On Dating Site Men

Hello dear Yarmi!
How are you? I am nice and interesting woman. I have always wanted to create a happy family with my loving man. I want to find him, maybe this is you. I want to find the man who will become very special to me and who will want to share every moment with me. Tell me about you. I feel that you and I can be great together.
I am waiting for your answer.
Kisses Olga.

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